A Vehicle Maintenance Guide for Winter from Advance Auto Parts

 In auto repair in Brandywine, Brandywine Crossing, Car Maintenance, Christmas Shopping in Brandywine, fall shopping in Brandywine, shopping in Brandywine

As we move into the winter months, car maintenance becomes critical to remain safe on the roads. Advance Auto Parts of Brandywine Crossing has created a vehicle checklist to ensure your vehicle remains in peak condition all season long. Here are our favorite products for your vehicle to remain in top-notch condition as we settle into the colder weather.

Change Your Oil — Switch to Synthetic 

As a general vehicle maintenance practice, it is necessary to change your vehicle’s oil every few months. In the winter months, however, it might be worth considering the switch to synthetic or synthetic blend oil. Synthetic oils do not require time to warm up in the same way conventional oils do, which in switching, can make the winter months easier on your engine. Check out these amazing synthetic options today: shop synthetic.

Monitor Tire Pressure — Ensure Ride Safety

For optimal safety, checking your vehicle’s tire pressure is key, especially during the winter. As temperatures drop, it is more likely your tire pressure decreases. Checking pressure will help avoid low tires, making for a safer drive, and for less than three dollars, you really can’t afford to not pick one up. 

Avoid Engine Overheating Check Fluid Levels

It is recommended to do general upkeep of your fluid levels during the winter months, with special attention to your antifreeze levels. Antifreeze is a component that keeps water from freezing, allowing the engine to cool properly, which becomes especially important as the temperatures drop. 

Car maintenance becomes a key component of making all your drives safe. Safety on the road starts with a safe vehicle and Advance Auto Parts is excited to offer the best shopping in Brandywine for all of your auto-needs. Visit Advance Auto Parts to browse all winter car maintenance products and be sure to visit us at the shopping center in Brandywine today! 

Photo Sourced by Getty Images: #517372028

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