Use Your Spring Break Wisely at Brandywine Cosmetics & Family Dentistry

 In Brandywine Crossing, Dentist in Brandywine, dentist in Maryland, Orthodontist in Brandywine, shopping center in Maryland, Spring Break in Brandywine

Spring break is coming, but are you ready for it? Many of us look forward to the parties and booze when we should be taking care of what matters to us. Brandywine Cosmetics & Family Dentistry is your perfect option for a dentist in Brandywine to help you get that smile back this break. Keep reading for your orthopedics in Brandywine:

Put Your $$$ Where Your Mouth Is

Who needs the beach when you can have perfect teeth? Save your hard-earned money this time and put it toward something useful that lasts. Brandywine Cosmetics & Family Dentistry offers dozens of procedures including cleaning & prevention, cosmetic & laser dentistry, restorations, periodontal treatment and more!

Get Your 6 Month Smile On

If you’re insecure about your smile, investing in a 6 Month Smile is more valuable than it appears. We all know how metal braces and other alternatives look, feel and cost. 6 Month Smiles, however, are often faster, cheaper, healthier for your teeth and much more appealing to the eyes around.

Cheers to Veneers

Porcelain veneers are customized to fit the shape and shade you’ve always wanted. Crooked teeth, discoloration, chips and varying under or oversized teeth could all be reasons for wanting to perfect your smile. Veneers usually only require two easy visits with little to no anesthesia or unpleasant procedures.

Make Spring Break about you this time. Without a happy and healthy smile to get you up and running, you can’t be your confident self at parties anyway. Let Brandywine Cosmetics & Family Dentistry help you truly get back in the groove. For more tips on being wise this Spring Break, check out our blogs!

Photo sourced from Getty Images: #936887200

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