Laurie Axelrod co-founded Wheelhouse Group in 2003 to support visionary business leaders as they drive complex, enterprise-wide change requiring diverse stakeholder buy-in. She has more than 30 years’ experience developing communications strategies and stakeholder engagement programs that enlist people in designing a compelling vision, shared goals and a path forward. She has consulted with government, industry and non-profits throughout her career.

Before founding Wheelhouse Group, Laurie led corporate marketing communications at American Management Systems (now CGI) where her team supported marketing strategy and execution across seven industries.

Laurie is a frequent speaker on the power of integrated communications and change management and the co-author of The Method and The Magic: Every Leader’s Guide to Making Transformational Change Happen.

What I love about our work
Seeing the long-term impact of our advice and hard work. Building trust with clients and creating career-long clients. Helping groups achieve more together.

What I love about our team
The team is our greatest accomplishment. People tell me all the time how extraordinary they are, but I already know that. Talented, focused, experienced, no-drama, get-the-job-done people.



Beach or Lake? I’m a lake person and spend almost every summer weekend at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland. It reminds me of growing up in Maine.